Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 2 - WWW/Ecommerce

My entrepreneurial device would be an enhanced smartphone or iPod Touch that would have the technical capabilities to act as a portable, compact projector. Instead of having to always watch streaming or downloaded video on a small-screen (meaning squinting your eyes or holding the screen up close), anywhere you are, you would be able to digitally project the image onto any reasonably smooth, light-colored surface (e.g. a wall). 

You could adjust the size of the amplified image based on how far away you are [for correct focal length] to reach an average picture size approximately equivalent to a 36-inch widescreen HDTV at about 10 feet away. You can share whatever entertainment you have downloaded, or any video on the Internet, with groups of various sizes using whatever you already access constantly on-the-go [from your phone’s Wi-Fi or 3G network.] Further, the step of using the computer as a mediator would be bypassed.

Twitter would definitely play a role in marketing and promoting my device. Twitter is used primarily by organizations' PR teams to promote their brand, and with my device it would be no different. Throughout the day we could Tweet about movies or shows you could be watching in a large display format through your phone. We could link to content on YouTube, iTunes, Hulu, Vimeo, Fancast, and others. 

After developing some manufacturing partnerships, we could even cross-promote because our technology would be used by other companies in making their smartphones. So we would promote their phone with a link to that phone's section of a website, with a special mention of the digital projector technology in the Tweet for emphasis.

In addition to the main company Twitter account, I'd want to set up a separate one devoted solely to customer service issues. I'd want to have at least two or three employees checking this throughout the day on shifts to monitor customers' concerns, complaints, questions, etc. and reply to those Tweets with appropriate links with directions for solving the problem after researching the issue.


  1. I think this product would also be very appealing in a business setting, for example, it would be useful for the sharing and presentation of documents at a meeting.

  2. Great Idea! It's one of those ideas that's not only environmentally conscious but also ties in future technology. It's sustainable because it has the ability to last over time with updates and tweaks to it's system. However, it's also novel because it's a huge display screen of ideas. What if one could interact with the projection? Now, that would be something.

  3. Thanks for the feedback--those are both great ideas I hadn't thought of either of them. The business application had not crossed my mind at all but now that you bring it up I agree with you and think it could work really well in this setting--a good way to easily carry around documents or presentations, etc.
    And thanks Katy, the idea of interacting with the projection is really awesome, and I've actually seen these amazing online digital simulated displays where people do exactly that, they control and maniipulate the display with their body..their bare hand is almost like a mouse and its Minority Report-ish. That hasn't really happened yet but we're heading in that direction and not sure how far off in the future that will be. It's really amazing to think about where we'll go and the potential for possibilities. Hopefully we'll get to see that sometime soon though...looking forward to seeing what people can come up with.

  4. I know how frustrating it is to want to show a bunch of your friends that hilarious youtube video, when all you have available is a small smartphone screen. If you could create this product to a satisfactory level, it would definitely be an attractive feature for consumers to think about when purchasing their choice of smartphones (including myself). Nice idea.

  5. This is a phenomenal idea! Being in the photo industry I know that this would definitely be of use, especially in business meetings when one needs to pitch a portfolio or idea. I feel like it's definitely something I could see happening in the near future. There are many uses for this product. Great job on your method of thinking behind this!

  6. aw, thanks so much Jenny! I appreciate your kind words.
