Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 5 - "Bits & Bytes"

I would definitely only allow .mp3 files to play on my mobile projection device. MP3 files take up much less space in terms of bytes. MP3 is more efficient because it compresses the files for audio frequencies our ears cannot interpret (any sound below 20 Hz or above 20,000 Hz).

We can assume that 1TB can hold about 250,000 songs with an average length of four minutes. This means each song takes up about 4398047 bytes, which is equal to about 4MB in the binary system. 20 GB is about 21.4 billion bytes in the binary system. Dividing that by the previous number of bytes given per song, that means my device could store up to almost 5000 songs.

Rounding we could just say that 20GB is 20,000MB. Likewise 20,000MB / 4MB [all digits in the binary system of counting] is about 5000 songs if each song takes up about 4MB. This is the amount of songs Apple has traditionally advertised for the 20GB iPod in the past before iPhones and iPod Touch and I believe it has remained the same.

My iPod I got in 2003 was the one just before the click-wheel and has these statistics. They no longer make an iPod Touch or even have iPod Classics with a 20 GB storage drive according to Apple's store. Though now you can get an older iPod with 160GB of storage for less than a 32-gig iPod Touch!(No, it doesn't still work and I stopped using it years ago, though it held on for many years...I think I have it buried away somewhere, the old relic.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blog Review Post

TechCrunch is one of the web's most authoritative technology blogs according to According to its mission statement, is "dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news." In addition to news an analysis, Internet products and websites, computer hardware, and the technology/computer industry are commonly profiled. The property was founded in 2005 and gets over 33 million page views per month.

The site has a global network of websites specializing in different sectors of the tech market from mobile to environmentally friendly technology and more. The blog was launched in 2005 by Michael Arrington as a way to share and receive info about companies on the rise in the "burgeoning web 2.0." In less than a year and a half, the site started getting millions of page views per month and Mr. Arrington launched supplemental startups to cover gadgets and technology startups.

After TechCrunch (TC) was the first to break the news of Google's acquisition of YouTube in 2006, TC became respected online as a authoritative source of digital and web technology news. The Wall Street Journal recognized as it more than one man's opinion, but an authoritative source on technology news. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the sites content has shifted to covering social media sites like FaceBook and Twitter. AOL announced late last year that it would acquire TechCrunch.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 3 - Spreadsheet Essentials (& Digital Images)

Excel would undoubtedly be an extremely useful tool to keep track of my hypothetical venture's essential business and financial figures as well as qualitative data such as customer profiles. I could group info for each week together in a collapsible menu, which could include inventory on-site or products ordered. For net profit, I would list my mobile device's selling price [retail to the customer] in one column and how much my business bought them for in the other column--and then I'd have Excel calculate the difference between each of those figures using a formula, in order to display our net sales profit.

Because I am a startup, after entering essential company financials into my data spreadsheet, I could set up an Excel formula to alert me when I break-even (it would use the number in the cells to perform the arithmetic or geometric operations). I could also use the pattern recognition tool to make future projections by extending a current recognized pattern with sales profit, or volume or costs, several periods [e.g. months] into the future to get a reasonable estimate based on logical and statistical inference for when my company would break-even and I'd be in the black with a surplus of a cash!

And I would use the conditional formatting feature like we did in the lab to compare how the cost of my operating budget compared to revenue and money I have in the company bank account. If operating expenses (cash out) became greater than or equal to net revenue or assets/holdings [cash-in] in the business' bank account, I would set up an alert on Excel so that the cell would turn red and say something along the lines of "liability ALERT! NEGATIVE profit and DEBT likely to accumulate!". Likewise if my firm's liquidity was ca greater than operating costs, I would have the Excel cell for each figure turn green to symbolize a positive bottom line...the message could be: "the company is COMFORTABLE."

With all of this data, for appropriate time periods, I could make graphs from my tables of data that would be visually appealing and easy for a wide audience to understand a trend quickly. For example, showing how our volume of sales has increased over the last couple months (or by week). Excel could also calculate for me the PERCENT increase each week in sales of my mobile projection device, or from month to month. Visual representations of this [ex: in bar graph form] would be instrumental to insert into presentations for quarterly financial reports. As a summary, I would also want to make figures and charts/graphs for AVERAGE [a function] profit margin growth over a long period of time, operating leverage and to keep thorough records.

Once I have a loyal customer base, I would also create a spreadsheet to store all their name, address, and contact information and to log who is buying what and when. I could sort the names alphabetically. Then I could decide to offer rewards [in the form of coupons or rebates] for my top customers who spend the most on my product and its accessories. For this function, I would want to sort the columns of info based on how much they've purchased from me, so descending order, with the biggest spenders at the top of the list.